Problems foreigners have when they come to Japan 外国人が日本に来て困った事
Living in an unfamiliar land presents many challenges. Living in a world with a different language, culture, race, and everything else can be very painful at first. However, if you can anticipate possible problems and take countermeasures in advance, the situation will improve greatly. In this article, we will introduce the solutions based on the troubles and mistakes experienced by Nepalese people when they came to Japan.
見知らぬ土地で生活すると、様々な困難に突き当たります。 言葉、文化、人種、何もかもが違う世界で生きることは、初めは大きな苦痛を伴うこともあるでしょう。 しかし、事前に起こりうるトラブルを想定し、対策をしておくことができれば、状況は大きく好転するでしょう。 ここでは、実際にネパール人の方達が日本に来て困った事や失敗したことを参考に、その解決策を紹介します。
If you have any troubles, things you didn’t understand, or things that were difficult after coming to Japan, please let us know in the comments!